Chris Kemp

Professional Strength and Performance Coach

Follow in their footsteps.

Endorsed By Professionals

Believe in the process.

Trusted By The Best

Set yourself apart.

Train With The Focus You Deserve

Train with the best.

Expert Support and Guidance

Smash through plateaus.

Tried, Tested and Perfected

Reach your potential.

Over a Decade Of Coaching Experience

Want to train like a pro?

Chris Kemp

Chris is a world-class strength coach trusted by elite athletes and private clients to produce exceptional results from their strength and conditioning training. Chris has worked with players from nearly every major international rugby team and is widely recognised for his expertise in applying training principles to reach their specific goals.

His commitment to developing and implementing training strategies has led him to well over a decade of experience in which his approach has been meticulously developed resulting in plans that deliver cut-through results time and time again. Chris’s methods have been trusted, tried and tested by international sports stars in every corner of the globe. They can regularly be seen performing on a host of mainstream television channels.

Owen Franks

New Zealand All Blacks: 108 caps.

2 x World Cup Winner

“Chris is a world-class strength coach. He’s written concrete plans that have helped me become the biggest, strongest, most powerful I have ever been. My career success so far, including 108 All Black caps, has been built upon a base of hard work, focus and dedication.

If you too desire to break through to the highest levels of the game, Chris will give you access to the specific strength plans necessary - you just need to trust the process and be 100% dedicated.

None of this generic fitness app nonsense. A straightforward printed plan to follow, that will keep you accountable. His Front Row Plan will create transfer of your gym efforts into dramatically improved on field performance and help protect you from front row injuries.”

Alex Waller

Northampton Saints: Over 300 Caps

Premiership Rugby Winner

“Chris is a really unique strength coach with years of experience at elite-level performance, and he really walks the walk!

If you already go to the gym, and your training goal is a combination of size and strength his Pushing The Boundaries plan is ideal for you.

Lacking some direction and motivation? Want to see big improvements in your lifting numbers and smash through those plateaus? Look no further!

Along with the detailed plan, you’ll get access to video demonstrations to ensure you’re maximizing your effectiveness and hitting your goals. Tracking progress and being accountable are hugely important for me personally- and this plan also really helps with that. Chris has been a tremendous source of expertise to physically take me to the next level- no doubt he’ll be the same for you!”

Sam Matavesi

Northampton Saints Starting Hooker

Fiji International

“When I signed for Northampton Saints it was clear that in order to progress from the Championship, to consistently excel at the highest level on the Premiership and International stage, I needed to become bigger and stronger. Ever since, I have worked with Chris as my strength coach to achieve these goals. What I like about Chris is that he understands exactly what to prescribe to give you visible gains. So, if, like I did, you need to lift your game at the gym or you’re hitting a plateau, Chris is the man with the plan! I’ve used his hand-written plans and if you’re prepared to put the work in, the rewards will come for all to see.”

Ollie Sleightholme

Northampton Saints Winger

England U20 International

“As a Northampton Saints player, I look back to my teens, when my friends and I trained together aspiring to become professional rugby players, we constantly looked for new ways to improve strength and size whilst tracking our progress. Luckily getting picked up by Saints Academy I was able to benefit from Chris and his colleague’s strength training input. However, looking back so many of my peers missed out by not having the coaching to develop their fundamental strength at the time.

Chris has developed his Building the Base strength plan so you don’t have to miss out! The plan will provide you with the most important training guidance to build rock solid foundations. I can’t recommend Chris highly enough. His no nonsense approach and clear plans come in an easy-to-understand package with video demo support. You’ll no longer walk in the gym and feel lost, you’ll stroll in with confidence ready to build your base for the future!”

Our Unique Training Plans...

Train with the focus you deserve.

You already go to the gym or train in a home gym. But are at the point where you would really like to stop following random instagram or tik tok workouts or simply just repeating the same old routine. You need some guidance and a way to stay accountable without breaking the bank.

Our iWorkout plans are perfect for you.

Once you've chosen your sport or training goal you will receive an expert written, packed with advice, but simple to follow, six week training plan. It will add organisation, structure and accountability to your training. Our unique plans are hard copies, so no more switching between fitness apps on your phone, no work whatsapp groups interrupting your sessions. Just the ability to train knowing you are in good hands. Session preparation, scheduling advice and nutritional tips are all included alongside your six week training plan.


Expert designed six week training plan

Two progressive 3-week phases

What. Why. How- Explanation of exactly what the plan contains and why

Simple jargon busting training information page

Training schedule tips

Nutrition and recovery tips

Dedicated mobility and activation to get you fully prepared for each session

Specifically targeted exercise order, reps, sets + rest periods

Picture of every exercise in the plan to guide you

Video link to a demonstration of each exercise

From the people
From the people
"If you need to lift your game at the gym or you’re hitting a plateau, Chris is the man with the plan! I’ve used his hand-written plans and if you’re prepared to put the work in, the rewards will come for all to see."
— Sam Matavesi
From the people
"If you already go to the gym, and your training goal is a combination of size and strength his Pushing The Boundaries plan is ideal for you.

Lacking some direction and motivation? Want to see big improvements in your lifting numbers and smash through those plateaus? Look no further!"
— Alex Waller
From the people
"I've been going to the gym regularly for quite a long time but I had become a bit stale following the same routines and using the same exercises all the time. Immediately after starting the iWorkout Building The Base plan I knew I had made the right decision. It has given me so much more structure and I feel great for walking into the gym having a plan to follow each week. I am feeling the results already."
trusted by the professionals. empowering you.

We're committed to bringing you the best sport specific training plans. Improving your performance. Reducing your chance of injury. Transfering your valuable gym training time into optimal performance in your sport.

Watch this space, we have lots more plans to come!

Train with the focus you deserve.

The gym should be a great time to focus, but inevitably switching between fitness apps, receiving work e-mails and endless WhatsApp group notifications doesn’t make that easy. Our plans are hard copies. So you can put your music on, and focus on what you’re doing. We include an electronic version to check videos pre session, but the plans come packed with info and reminder images.

You are finally all set to train with the focus you deserve!